Brand Strategy: Better Positioning of Brands
A well-positioned and adequately managed brand is a valuable asset for any company. We can make sure that you get the most out of your brand.
B2B, B2C, employer brand, personal brand … Brands play an important role in many areas. Despite all the differences, there are basic mechanisms that make up the success of every brand.
The science behind it
Our services for your brand strategy
Calculating target groups
Using the target group profiler ->, we can calculate which target groups and target group segments your brand can and should address on the basis of up to 400 freely selectable properties.
Measuring brand feelings
Emotions make brands distinguishable, desirable and valuable. We measure ->, which emotions are the behaviour-determining ones for your brand.
Identifying Geisteshaltung
Successful brands share an attitude with their target group. This setting can be clearly determined using the appropriate methods ->.
Positioning brands
We use our brand space model -> for positioning. It defines all the dimensions necessary for brand success
Optimising brand architecture
Umbrella brand or individual brand? How far can and should a brand go? These are questions that can be discussed at length. Or you can calculate the answer.
Employer brand
Employer brands are playing an increasingly important role. Unfortunately, the core of the brand is often neglected in so-called employer branding. We use classic brand models to make employer brands strong from the inside out.
I Need an Engineer’s Plan
If you too would like to position a brand, define target groups, design a marketing strategy or develop a business model, talk to us.