Growth Through Knowledge

The challenges facing brands are becoming ever more demanding. There are two strategies to overcome them: either you have more money than the competition – or you are smarter. We prefer to be smarter and are therefore convinced that an ‘engineering culture’ helps to position brands better and market them more effectively.

Using tools and methods based on findings from a wide range of scientific fields – from psychology to game theory – we answer the three key questions that every brand needs to answer:

Who should the brand talk to?
What does the brand need to communicate?
How should the brand appear?

Act like an engineer. Always.

This Is What We Can Do for You:

We deliver scientifically based solutions for entrepreneurial challenges. From the business model to the brand strategy.

Brand Strategy:
Positioning Brands Better

Whether classic B2C brand, B2B brand or employer brand. You don’t have to think up the ideal positioning – it can be derived on the basis of data using psychological laws.

Marketing Strategy:
The Best Route to the Consumer

Marketing and communication can be understood as a transport problem: What is the most efficient way to get my product/offer/message to the right target group? Our answer: We can calculate it!

Business Models:
Understanding the Numbers

Parameters such as sales, positioning, target group, EBIT, media spending, price, etc. do not exist independently of each other. We understand a business model as a cybernetic system that can be depicted, understood and shaped by numbers.

That’s Why We Deliver Better Results:

Success is not a coincidence, but a principle. We use the latest methods from the fields of economics, psychology and business mathematics to develop tools for data-based work.

Measure Feelings

Feelings, emotions and values form the basis of every brand. We don’t just listen to our gut, we measure what feelings people associate with a brand.

Calculate Target Groups

One of the most important questions in marketing is: Who is my customer? What exactly characterises them? Which target group segments are there? We calculate it with our tools.

Identifying Geisteshaltung

Everyone talks about attitude and purpose. We use proven psychological methods to find out what really connects brands and people.

The Engineer

Thomas Walter, Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur (FH); travelling the world of brands and marketing for more than 30 years. Believes that some investments are too big to be left to the whim of a fancy. Knows how game theory and mobile communications are connected; how type 2 emotions influence purchasing decisions; why target groups are better calculated than imagined – and how to do all of this.

I Need an Engineer’s Plan, Too

If you too would like to position a brand, define target groups, design a marketing strategy or develop a business model, talk to us.