The Smarter One Wins
There are two strategies for solving the ever more challenging entrepreneurial problems: either you have more money than the competition or you are smarter. We are therefore convinced that an “engineering culture” can help to better position brands, define target groups more precisely, design marketing strategies and develop more effective business models.
We do not leave anything to the whim of an idea, but ask ourselves: What does the desired future look like? Where do we stand now? Which path is most likely to lead to the goal? What objective knowledge is available? What data do we have and what data do we need? Which tools can we use to achieve the goal?
We act like an engineer. Always.
This Is What We Can Do for You:
We deliver scientifically based solutions for entrepreneurial challenges. From the business model to the brand strategy.
Brand Strategy:
Better pPositioning of Brands
Marketing Strategy:
The Best Way to Reach Your Consumers
What is the most efficient way to get my product/offer/message to the right target group? Our answer: We can calculate it!
Business Models:
Understanding the Numbers
That’s Why We Deliver Better Results:
Success is not a coincidence, but a principle. We use the latest methods from the fields of economics, psychology and business mathematics to develop tools for data-based work.
Measure Feelings
Calculate Target Groups
Identifying Geisteshaltung
Everyone talks about attitude and purpose. We use proven psychological methods to find out what really connects brands and people.
The Engineer
I Need an Engineer’s Plan
If you too would like to position a brand, define target groups, design a marketing strategy or develop a business model, talk to us.