„Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen,
Die da träumen fort und fort,
Und die Welt hebt an zu singen,
Triffst du nur das Zauberwort.“
Joseph von Eichendorff’s poem describes the basic task of good positioning very well: finding the magic word that explains the brand so well that it triggers a resonance in everyone who comes into contact with it. Or to put it less poetically: you have to identify the Geisteshaltung that connects brand and consumer.
Or even less poetically and like an engineer: customers have a subjective theory about cosmetics that guides their decisions. We need to identify this subjective theory and build our brand on it.
The nice thing about subjective theories is that although they are subjective – i.e. only valid for those who have them – they can still be determined objectively. The so-called structure laying technique (SLT) is an excellent method to do so. We have adapted this method to our needs for working with brands.
Gerda Spillmann -> is one of these brands. It offers high-quality make-up and skincare products for women with discerning tastes. So we spent hours talking to make-up artists and customers, analysing their statements and determining the underlying subjective theory with the help of SLT:
From a certain age, women are concerned with authenticity, ego integrity and consistency. We have condensed this into the phrase “I want to be whole”. Women want to be at one with themselves and the world. That’s why they are looking for a partner to accompany them on the path to self-affirmation. Gerda Spillmann is this partner.
The brand has been enthusing its users since 1944 with its superior quality and, above all, one outstanding characteristic: it does not falsify, but ensures that you look good, but not made-up.
This subjective theory is formulated effectively for the public in the brand story and the new claim:
I am.
Irgendwann weiß jede Frau, wer sie ist
und wer sie sein will und wer nicht.
Gerda Spillmann hilft ihr dabei.
Mit hochfunktionaler Hautpflege und
professionellen Make-up Produkten.
Erdacht und gemacht in der Schweiz.
I Need an Engineer’s Plan, Too
If you too would like to position a brand, define target groups, design a marketing strategy or develop a business model, talk to us.